10:00 – 11:00 Titel: Serier och sinnesintryck i skolan Lars Wallner, universitetslektor, Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande (IBL), Linköpings universitet.
11:00 – 12:00 Titel: Självsyn och världsbild i tecknade serier Kristina Arnerud Mejhammar, intendent vid Norrköpings konstmuseum.
12.00 – 13.00 Titel: Visuella genealogier i Persepolis – persisk konst och den franska nya vågen. Fredrik Strömberg, journalist, författare och fil. doktor i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap
14.00 – 15.00 Titel: Manga, en affektiv form av serier Jaqueline Berndt, professor i Japans språk och kultur, Stockholms universitet.
15.00 – 16.00 Titel: Svenska feministiska serier och aktivism Anna Nordenstam, professor i litteraturvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet och Margareta Wallin Wictorin, docent i konst- och bildvetenskap, Karlstads universitet
16.00 – 17.00 Titel: Serier i fackförbundspressen Magnus Nilsson, professor i komparativ litteratur, Institutionen för Konst, Kultur och Kommunikation, K3, Malmö universitet.
Malmö University and The Swedish Comics Association invites you to: The Comics Archive Symposium 2022 Thursday 13th and Friday 14th of October Malmoe, Sweden.
The field of comics research is expanding, but with that also comes an increasing need for archives that preserve this artform and can offer access not only to printed matter but also behind-the-scenes material – e.g. manuscripts, original artwork, correspondence, advertising and merchandise. These kinds of ancillary materials are essential to deepen our understanding of the art form and for comics research to develop, grow and mature.
There is a movement of comics centered archives being established globally right now, and this symposium will gather people from academia, archivists, collectors and others interested in the work of preserving and making comics-related artefacts accessible to researchers. The purpose of the symposium is to share knowledge of how this work can be developed, to discuss different solutions and to build international networks.
We therefor invite all interested in comics archives (in any sense) to take part of this symposium. If you wish to give a presentation (max 20 minutes) of own experiences of working with comics archives (as an organizer or as a user), please submit an abstract (250 words) no later than September 18th. No fees! Just mail us if you want to participate.
Confirmed keynote speakers: Karen Green, Curator for Comics and Cartoons at Columbia University – Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Philippe Capart, manager of the library/publishing house La Crypte Tonique in central Bruxelles and host of Club Bimbo, a platform for material and immaterial exchanges around visual narrative.
The Symposium is organized by Malmö University Comics Hub and the Swedish Comics Association. It will last for two days, from Thursday the 13th to Friday the 14th of October, and will include presentations and panel debates, as well as visits to The Comics Archive, situated in Malmö City Archives.
Venues: Malmö University and Malmö City Archives To participate: Please mail either Gunnar or Fredrik.
Welcome to a K3 seminar with Berndt Clavier, Senior Lecturer in English Studies, K3, and Jakob Dittmar, Senior Lecturer and Docent in Media and Communication Studies, K3
The title of the talk is: Defining “Graphic Novels” with the Help of “the Novel” – Reflecting on Emerging and Established Literary Forms.
The seminar will take place on Wednesday, June 1 at 10.15-12.00. It will be a hybrid seminar. Please either come to NiB0501 or join online here: https://mau-se.zoom.us/j/64675687916 (this is the zoom link to all K3 seminars this term).
Below is an abstract for the seminar.
Narrative qualities of comics have become better understood with texts and images interweaving while offering different perspectives or focalisations in each image and different strands of texts. While different genres and styles are recognised in comics, a more differentiated approach to the distinct qualities of individual genres in graphic literature is needed if we want to understand and discuss these in their distinct graphic and narrative qualities that constitute their literary qualities, just like we discuss poetry and prose literature, film, and theatre – and their interrelations. The seminar looks into the use of the term graphic novel, into attempts to define it in different cultural contexts. The dominating approaches from Franco-Belgian as well as Ango-American comics research are discussed to develop a more substantial definition. For as soon as we look into comics narratives, they can be diversified into all kinds of things, but what we need to get into the discussion are aspects of graphiation and voice, as well as all the established criteria for understanding literature better.
Joe Kessler is presenting his new book Måsvarrelsen (The Gull Yettin) at Gallery/bookstore Rum för Serier, Friisgatan 12 in Malmö. Thursday March 31st. at 17.30-20.00 (PM).
Joe will discuss his work with Rojin Pertow, editor of Galago-magazine and show some recent drawings made in Malmö. All welcome! The talk will be streamed at: https://mau-se.zoom.us/j/63982083307
We invite scholars, students, artists, and other professionals working with comic art to an international conference on comics, activism and feminisms (CAF), as these are practiced around the world. Feminist comic art and graphic narratives emerged with the second-wave feminist movements; today there are comics connected to social activist movements working for change in a variety of areas. The CAF conference aims to explore, on the one hand, how comic art, activism and feminisms are intertwined from both historic and contemporary perspectives, and on the other hand, how comic art in itself can be a form of activism. In addition to paper presentations, the conference will feature a panel discussion with a selection of Swedish comic artists and an exhibition of Swedish feminist comic art at Gothenburg University Library.
Theoretical, conceptual, or empirical papers from a wide range of disciplines or interdisciplinary approaches are invited, and may relate to the overall theme of comic art, activism and feminisms by addressing such questions as the following, but other approaches are welcome: • How can the comics medium be used to express feminist politics thematically, visually and linguistically? • How can the form and content of comics be activist in themselves? • How can comics participate in activist and/or social justice movements such as women’s liberation, #metoo, LGBTQIA+, anti-racism, decolonial, climate, or disability movements? • How can comics activism be connected to comic networks and other fora? • Where and how are activist comics dispersed?
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Dr. Nicola Streeten (Director LDComics CIC) Professor Rebecca Scherr (Oslo University) Professor Mia Liinason (Lund University)
HOW TO PARTICIPATE Generally, conference sessions will consist of participants’ individual 20-minute presentations plus 10 minutes of discussion. However, alternative forms of participation, such as panels or roundtables, are possible. We welcome contributions from academics, artists, and other professionals interested in comics and comic art. Please submit your proposal (max 300 words) and a short bio (max 100 words) to the organizers at caf@lir.gu.se. If you would like to attend the symposium without presenting, please email a short bio and some information about your interest in participating. The deadline to submit proposals is April 22, 2022. Decisions of acceptance will be sent by 9 May, 2022.
Organizing committee University of Gothenburg The research project “Feminist Swedish Comics as Medium for Political Activism and Critique”´ Anna Nordenstam (anna.nordenstam(at)lir.gu.se) Kristy Beers Fägersten (kristy.beers.fagersten(at)sh.se) Mike Classon Frangos (mike.classon.frangos(at)lnu.se) Maria Margareta Österholm (maria.margareta.osterholm(at)gender.su.se) Margareta Wallin Wictorin (margareta.wallin-wictorin(at)kau.se)
Skillinge seriefestival – official logo 2021. Image by Jan Lööf.
Comics Research lab/Serielab at Mau will visit Skillinge Comics Festival with a one-day long programme focussing on the comic-book as phenomenon. Presentations will be both in english and swedish and streamed via zoom on this link:
09:30 – 10:00 (CET) Serietidningen – en fantastisk innovation. Gunnar Krantz, professor i visuell kommunikation, Malmö universitet.
10:00 – 11:00 Fantomen och den nya vänstern. Robert Aman, biträdande professor i pedagogik, Linköpings universitet. Jacob Habinc,serietecknare och projektledare på Fantomentidningen, Story House Egmont.
11:00 – 12:00 Arne Anka som samtidsdokumentär. Charlie Christensen, serietecknare och skapare till Arne Anka. Jakob Dittmar, docent i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Malmö universitet.
13:30 – 15:00 Vuxenserier och moralpanik. Linnéa Lindsköld, docent i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, Högskolan i Borås. Gunnar Krantz, professor i visuell kommunikation, Malmö Universitet.
16:00 – 17:00 Om undergroundtidningen PUSS Carl Johan De Geer, konstnär, fotograf, författare, filmskapare och scenograf. Annika Olsson, docent i litteraturvetenskap, prefekt för Institutionen för Konst, Kultur och Kommunikation, K3, Malmö universitet.
The contemporary Nordic comics scene is diverse and multifaceted. Classic characters from the 30s are still popular and exist side by side with avantgarde, feminist, and political comics. A mainstream Nordic comic could very well be represented by semi-autobiographical funny animals published in a daily newspaper; alternately we also find self-published manga and epic genres (noir, fantasy, horror). Twenty-five years ago, the situation was radically different. Many feared that comics would soon be obsolete due to the fast growth of digital media. Since then, however, both comics and comics research has undergone an almost explosive development in the Nordic region. This is especially noticeable in Malmö, branded as The City of Comics, with a rich infrastructure of comics-related initiatives including education, research, professional artists’ networks, publishing companies, comics organizations and The Swedish Comics Archive.
In recent years, academic interest in Nordic comics has also increased substantially, both in the Nordic countries and beyond, in disciplines such as comparative literature, media and communication studies, and art history, as well as within the emerging field of comic studies.
The Contemporary Nordic Comics Research Conference aims to present and discuss current research on Nordic comics, as well as share resources including academic networks, archives, and collaborative projects. A long-term goal is to contribute to the development of both research about Nordic comics and comics research in the Nordic countries through facilitating collaborations between comics researchers in the Nordic countries and researchers in other countries who are also interested in Nordic comics.
We therefor invite the submission of papers to the Contemporary Nordic Comics Research Conference at Malmö university.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to: * Trends in Nordic comics * Comparisons between comics in the Nordic countries and abroad´ * The role of comics in Nordic culture(s)´ * The history of Nordic comics * Nordic comics viewed from abroad * Comics and the Nordic welfare states * Nordic comics in dialogue with the world
Contemporary comics in the Nordic countries have undergone an explosion in feminist comics and graphic novels since the 2000s. In Sweden, feminist comics have become commercial successes, winning prestigious prizes and appearing in exhibitions, Instagram and other social media Recently, a new generation of artists has entered the scene with a renewed focus on queer and intersectional issues. This special issue seeks to call attention to feminist comic art throughout the Nordic region (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland), both by established creators and from emerging voices. The history of feminist comics can be traced back to the social movements of the 1970s, but the energy and creativity of contemporary feminist comics is new, reflecting both international trends and conditions specific to the region and to each national context.
This issue of European Comic Art invites articles on the diversity of feminist comics in the Nordic region in a variety of genres, from feminist satire and autobiography to fantasy and romance. Feminist comics have received a degree of attention from Nordic researchers, but few articles have been published in English. We welcome research on specific comics, creators, genres, or historical genealogies, as well as comparative or interdisciplinary approaches.
Submissions of research articles should be between 6000 and 7000 words.
Please send a short abstract (200 words) of your article to co-editors Mike Classon Frangos , (Senior Lecturer, Linnaeus University, mike.classon.frangos@lnu.se) and Anna Nordenstam (Professor, University of Gothenburg, anna.nordenstam@lir.gu.se), no later than 1 March 2021. We will respond with decisions shortly afterward, and the deadline for the completed article will be 1 September. Eventual publication will depend on feedback after double blind peer reviews of the completed article.
European Comic Art is the first English-language scholarly publication devoted to the study of European-language graphic novels, comic strips, comic books and caricature. For more information, see http://journals.berghahnbooks.com/eca
Film and comics share one very fundamental storytelling technique – the image montage, which offers the possibility to show the story to the reader through a sequence of images. Through artistic research, I’m investigating what montage strategies artists can use to create a cinematic flow in comics, and the effects it can have on the emotional involvement of the reader of narrative comics.
In this seminar, I’ll discuss what cinematic flow within comics narration can look like, with a focus on grid structure in page layout, the relationship between images and text and the use of dynamic “camera” perspectives and field sizes in the images. By combining my viewpoint as a comics creator and storyteller with academic comics theory, I want to conduct artistic research in comics that exists in dialogue with other forms of comics research, but also serve artists and their practices as storytellers.
This is work in progress. From the seminar, I’d like constructive critique on how to move forward, but also exchange ideas on how to create a dialogue on methods of artistic research between academia and comics artists, as well as an exchange of knowledge and perspectives on comics as an art form.