Gunnar Krantz

Published articles:

Krantz, Gunnar  ”Fanzines and Swedish comics memory” in Ahmed, Maaheen. & Crucifix, Benoît. (red.) (2018). Comics Memory Archives and Styles. Cham: Springer International Publishing

Krantz, Gunnar (2015)“Teaching comics in class: Between mainstream and the alternative”, Studies in Comics, Intellect Books.

Krantz, Gunnar (2011) ”Seriekonst och konstserier”, Valör, Konstvetenskapliga institutionen, Uppsala Universitet.

Selected presentations:

Conference paper: “Teaching comics in Malmö – the City of Comics”, NordMedia Conference, Malmö university 2019

Conference paper: ”The hitchhikers guide to post-war Europe
Re-enacting travels on paper ” Comics & Travel, Oxford Comics Network,   TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, University of Oxford  2019

Conference paper: ”New ways of making comics” Comics and Materiality, NSU winter symposium, Aarhus university 2019

Conference roundtable: “The emergence of the Swedish comics field”. The Memory of Comics In and Out of the Institutions NNCORE-Conference, university of Ghent 2017.

Seminar paper: ”Kooperatören” a comic about advertising in the co-operative movement, Malmö university,  2017

Conference paper:  ”City of comics”, with Jakob Dittmar, Petra Ragnerstam and Oskar Aspman, Comics Forum, Leeds 2017.

Conference paper: 2016: ”Från systematiskt klotter till serieforskning”. Paper presented at symposium ”Tecknade serier – teoretiska och metodiska utgångspunkter för forskning”, Uppsala university 2016.  

Conference paper: “Bicycle hippie – Sketching beyond the boundaries of time and space – developing scrawled memories of the past”. Conference paper presented at The Sixth International Graphic Novel and Comics Conference 2015, University of London Institute in Paris.

Conference paper: “Teaching comics in Class”. Conference paper presented at The Comics Conference 2014, British Library, London.

Seminar paper: ”Seriekonst och konstserier”, Uppsala university. 2010

Recent comics (selected):

Kooperatören. The story of how the co-operative movement in Sweden used modern advertising to influence society. (in Swedish only). 2016

Katarina Matilda från Vendel.  Based on genealogy with illustrations inspired by l’art informel. About Stockholm in the late 19th century.  (in Swedish only) 2018

Cykelfärden som blev en lift – 1951. Based on a young hitch-hikers diary and photographs from travels around post-war Europe (in Swedish only). 2017

Lift – 52. A continuation from the previous story based on a young hitch-hikers travels around post-war Europe . (in Swedish only). 2018